Thursday, April 26, 2007

Now Taking Requests...

I've actually had someone ask me (in person) to review a particular film. If you've got a request, post a comment here, and I'll see what I can do (though I make no promises).


Unknown said...


One of my favorite directors in Michael Mann, I first was hooked when I saw Last of the Mohicans on IMAX. How about a review of that film, I am interested in what you think of the film.

bill said...

I saw that film about 6 years ago. I remember it as a serious beefcake film with Wes Studi as an awesome bad guy. I'll check it out again.

Anonymous said...

The Remains of the Day

I'm one of the few people I know that really enjoyed the film (but its probably been 10 years since I've seen it.)


bill said...

Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson? I'm there. Added to the list.

Jonathan Griggs said...

I'd like to see your take on Idiocracy, a movie I enjoyed immensely, but somehow did not satisfy as a film. I'm fascinated by movies I perceive to be beautiful failures.

bill said...

Done. I've actually had this one on the hook for a while :)

Unknown said...


I have a most excellent idea. The recent review of NEXT inspired me.

Why not have a week where you review only works of a particular director, author or actor..etc

You could do a week of Philip Dick stories.

Blade Runner
Total Recall
Minority Report
A Scanner Darkly

Anonymous said...


How about selecting a few movies that you (we) loved, or would never miss when they came on television, as children to see if they have stood the test of time or hold the same allure they once did. Do movies that once captured a child's imagination and interest hold up to the educated reviewer's eye?
If you want suggestions, give me a buzz.