Friday, June 22, 2007

07-06-22 The Messengers (2007)

Seen: Jun 21st, 2007
Format: DVD
Rating: 4

I like Thrillers and even Horror films just fine, thank you very much. I appreciate having my baser sensibilities jerked around a bit. It's fun, kinda like roller coasters are fun. But if there's no ultimate payoff, then all the going through the wringer is just exercise.

The Messengers isn't even a solid workout.

It all starts with a lot of promise. This film is full of "made you jump" moments and the start right at the beginning. I appreciate that. I like to be startled. But most of these moments are designed solely for the purpose of making you jump. You jump, you jump again, you jump some more, but you really don't learn anything new about what's going on. A lot of these moments are blatantly telegraphed, but they still get you. And you jump some more.

After a while it becomes very similar to a four year old telling you the same joke over and over and over. It stays fresh and funny to them, but after the twelfth or so telling, you get a bit tired of the whole affair.

The same is true of the creepy bits. They're not as prevalent, but they're even less informative. They're not bad, but not particularly effective either. After a while, they to becomes something you just have to sit through.

Ultimately there is a payoff for all your work. But it not a particularly original one. You may be able to see it coming. I didn't, but by that point I really didn't care all that much. It didn't surprise me, so I guess I could have figured it all out if I was still engaged.

I'm not gonna talk performances here, because the actors weren't given that much to work with, in my opinion.

Basically this would be a great second date flick. It's not smart enough to generate any serious conversation, but startling enough to have you grabbing at each other every few minutes.

The Good: Jump factor

The Bad: Thin story

The Ugly: Coming home

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