Friday, May 25, 2007

07-05-25 Tristan and Isolde (2006)

Seen: May 20th, 2007
Format: DVD
Rating: 7

This one I like, but I've really no idea why. Maybe it's the participation of the brothers Scott, who generally turn out passable films.

Basically we've got a tragedy of Shakespearean proportion. The fact that the classic triangle is filled completely with good guys is what tips to balance from unfortunate to tragic. There's classic romance as well, not just of the star-crossed lovers variety but of the destined/fated/ bigger than us all variety. Toss in some self sacrifice, and dedication to a higher ideal and you've got Romance with the capital 'R'.

I have no idea whether this is based on fact, historical guesses,myth or sprung whole from the writers imagination. I could look it up, but I'm a little lazy at the moment and in truth, it really doesn't matter. It's a nice scenario, full of tension and hope, and it works quite well, thank you very much. It may be predictable at times. It may fall back on convention and even cliche, but it does so with gusto and without apology.

The acting could be better. Not that anyone's horrid, but with a bigger budget and a slightly better cast, this could really shine. There's just no one that's really great here. Accents are a bit all over the place. There's a lack of passion at times that makes little sense. Rufus Sewell is an actor that I can't put my finger on. He's good here, but I'm never quite sure what's making his character tick.

The period aspects are nicely done. The costumes especially feel right to me. They're rough and applicable. Even the finery is simple and understated. This lends an air of realism that, while not required, does help place the tale firmly.

Photography is fine, editing solid. There's some action, but it's really not that sort of film. Even in the most chaotic of scenes there's no so much going on that you become overwhelmed. These were battles among small groups and that's well portrayed in the scenes an by the editing.

I guess in the end there's some magic that the brothers Scott can weave that brings all the elements together. While there's no one aspect of the film that stands out, it all stands together well as a whole.

And I'm a sucker for Romance. With the capital 'R'.

The Good: Romance of a high order

The Bad: Not watching your back

The Ugly: Looking out for number one

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