Seen: AUgust 27th. 2007
Format: Theater
Rating: 5
I think I need a break. At this point, it's becoming pretty hard to really enjoy a movie. Superbad for instance, was something I pretty much just tolerated. I sat through it, half my mind paying attention, half of it wandering.
It's got some funny bits, even some very funny bits. Some of the gags work, some don't. It's unapologetically crude, even if Evan isn't. There's not many boundaries it won't cross. All that's just fine, but someone, I just couldn't get in the flow (pun intended).
One of my biggest personal problems with this film is Micheal Cera, whom I just do not find amusing at all. He's a one-trick pony, and since his trick isn't amusing to me, that's no tricks, which means that he drags down everything else he's in. I have the same problem with David Cross.
I guess I expected everyone else to carry the film and Cera to just act as foil. Unfortunately that's not the case. Jonah Hill fares better and Christopher Mintz-Plasse is surprisingly fresh and ends up with by far the funniest bits.
It's madcap of course, required for the genre. But like most of it's brethren, it comes across more as collection of sketches with common characters than a real journey. Not that I was expecting anything different, but it often strays afield and needs to be dragged back to center. The wandering is actually the best part though, and it's a damper when it gets reeled in.
If you enjoy the occasional teen comedy, see for yourself. Maybe it'll make a better impression on you. Or maybe I just need a sense of humor adjustment.
The Good: Unapologetic teen comedy
The Bad: Not as funny as it wants to be
The Ugly: Dirty Dancing
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