Wednesday, August 22, 2007

07-08-22 Samurai Rebellion (Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu) (1967)

Seen: August 14th, 2007
Format: DVD
Rating: 9

Wow. At this point I just need to put the rest of Kobayashi's films on my list. After seeing this and Harakiri, I'm simply amazed at his work.

I'm a Kurosawa fan, and maybe you are too. Kobayashi's films are different. They're simpler. They dont' rely as much on high drama, but on baser, more fundamental passions. He rarely uses the comic relief common in Kurosawa's films. His fights are short and to the point. He locations and scenery aren't complex, but their stark simplicity is appropriate and doesn't distract from what's really happening in the scene.

So what about the film? Let's just say that it made me talk to the screen. I hate it when people do that in theaters. But this film made me sit up, pay attention and become invested to the point where I had to vocalize my reactions.

The premise is strange and compelling. The way the story evolves surprising. There's real fundamental issues at this heart of this film. They're not simple, and they pull on us a basal level.

If you can stand the samurai genre at all, and don't mind sitting through a real drama, you'll be rewarded by this film.

The Good: Everything

The Bad: I'm at a loss

The Ugly: Being treated like a possesion

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